This all started…
back in the 1970's when my mother owned her own embroidery business. This was before monograms were seen on bags, shoes, front doors, and cars. Her machine was about the size of a kitchen island! She perfected beautiful and classic embroidered monograms as I watched her over the years. Mom monogrammed everything we owned - sweaters, laundry bags, telephone book covers (remember those?), even my socks! Her monogrammed items can still be found in many homes throughout our community today.

Fast forward to 2015. After raising two wonderful children with my sweetheart and teaching high school math, I rediscovered my love for beautiful letters - only this time creating them digitally. I looked for new ways to enhance and modernize old monograms from long ago. Sifting through books of typefaces and monograms, I began creating new designs - ones that could represent the personality of the individual or business who owned them.

Shuler Studio launched in 2016. Three years later, I was blessed to have my amazing daughter join me! We love creating letters, monograms, and designs, and we hope you find something perfect for you. It is pure joy to see someone put our designs on their own piece of life - an invitation, a dance floor, a chair, a storefront window.
My mom passed away in 2016, the same year Shuler Studio was launched. She missed seeing this business unfold but would have been amazed at how monograms and technology have evolved over the years. So I dedicate this venture to you, Mom. You would have loved to embroider these beautiful and unique designs on anything and everything - yes, even my socks!